Well, one blog just was not enough! The community is growing. Please excuse the misspelling of potpourri in the blog url.
Potpourri for thought will be home for all my creative thoughts: books that have past the test, projects that have found themselves finished, interesting recipe's from near and far. Showing our creative side is another way to build community.
Spring has come to the Prairies. Warm sunshine is melting all the snow and drawing everyone outside. Grocery stores have fresh watermelon and other spring produce to delight the taste buds . The newness of spring's warmth lead me to indulge, my new purchase for the season was a bright pink box purse, this really is showing my wild side! My husband has just noticed two robins out in the spring rain, it won't be May this year before we have their presence. I love to watch the robin's busy at their work.
Sloboda Quote for the Day: "What miserable duck weather outside."
My preference is to think that God is washing the dirty landscape.NOTE: To my children, family, and friends,
I really have created these blogs to share parts of my life with you even when you are far away.