Monday, April 11, 2005

Monday Morning Walking Class

On Monday mornings a friend of mine, teaches a walking and body sculptering class. I have been going for a month, everytime I go she teaches something new. I love it, learning that is, exercise well, I am trying. During the class a thought came, "When we continue with out giving up, moving on to a new level is such a wonderful reward, and being challanged is good for the soul. The trick is not to give up but keep going and trying."

I encourage anyone who is trying something new or growing tried of what you are doing to keep going and don't give up.

1 comment:

Robin said...

Tuesday morning always brings new muscle aches. Today my ankles hurt. My friend enjoys focusing each week on new muscles.

Can you imagine my ankles hurt, I am not going to try and figure out what group she was working. LOL