Saturday, November 12, 2005

Sloboda's Cure for Stress


Yes, that seems to be our way to handle the stress in life, "paint." My husband painted most of our home this weekend, it is great to have new colors and a fresh coat of paint. However, the downside of all the painting is the total upheaval that has happened. When you move furniture to paint it exposes all the dust bunnies, which need attention, and that causes more work. Life is like this process. Trying out new ideas or growing in character always involves getting things in order, which means exposing what still needs to put into order, so growth can take place.

Here I am with all my dust bunnies exposed, and I am taking the time to write. Cool! The funny thing is I thought my home was in order and clean, it seems that is not so.

Hey, do you know what spellchecks word for Sloboda is? "Slapdash" that is how life feels at times.

Webster's thoughts on slapdash: hurried, careless, haphazard, etc...

I wonder if spellcheck is telling me something???

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